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COVID-19 Safety Protocol

Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation Really Safe?

January 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — boylesdentistry @ 5:58 pm
machine for nitrous oxide sedation

As a responsible adult, you are concerned about what goes into your body. Maybe you carefully watch what you eat or you stay away from tobacco or alcohol. So when your dentist suggests using nitrous oxide to make your appointment less stressful, you hesitate. Is it safe?

Absolutely! Nitrous oxide at your dentist’s office is great for many patients who struggle with dental visits. If you’re still worried about the risks involved, keep reading to learn more about nitrous oxide sedation and how it can help you feel more comfortable in the dentist’s chair.


Which Type of Veneer Is Right for You?

January 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — boylesdentistry @ 5:12 pm
woman getting veneers and learning about the types of veneers

Do you hate the way your teeth look? Perhaps you’ve tried whitening your teeth professionally without success. Maybe you have chips or other flaws that you’d like to hide.

If you want to make changes to the way your smile looks, you can take advantage of veneers, which cover the front surface of your teeth, correcting their shape, color, and size. But if you’re unfamiliar with veneers, you should know the basics before going to see your dentist about treatment. Here is more information about the types of veneers and the process of perfecting your smile.
